Once Were Romans

Once Were Romans


"First Cohort... In battle formation" - Roman general

Once were Romans - Once were men who died for honor - Once were women who made imperial blood
Once was glory you could only bleed - Once were gods who walked upon the earth - Once was truth...
once were Romans

Bind this world forever - Bind the truth forever

Barbarians at the gates of Rome - Seek to stop the impossible
Evolution of man, Civilization - Advancement into the evil

Consilio et animis - Fortes Fortuna iuavat
Veritas vos liberabit - Credite Posteri

Roma Victrix!

Consilio et animis - Fortes Fortuna iuavat
Veritas vos liberabit - Credite Posteri

Once were Romans
Once were men who died for honor - Once were women who made imperial blood - Once was glory you could
only bleed - Once were gods who walked upon the earth - Once was truth... once were Romans

Bind this world forever - Bind the truth forever

From the foundation of Romulus.... To the conquests of Caesar...
From Augustus' triumphs... To the mighty Scipio & victories of general Agrippa

Roma Caput Mundi!
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  • LTD = Limited Edition
  • DGP = Digipak
  • DLX = Deluxe Edition
  • COM = Compilation
  • EXP = Expanded Edition
  • LTD DGP = Limited Edition Digipak
  • DLX DGP = Deluxe Edition Digipak


  • BTL = Bootleg recording
  • DEMO = Demo recording
  • LIVE = Live recording
  • SPLIT = Split recording with 2 or more bands
  • JPN = Japanese edition of the album
  • PROMO = Promo recording
  • OST = Official Soundtrack


  • EP = Expanded Play
  • SINGLE = Usaly 7" or 10" Vinyl
  • TAPE = Cassete tape
  • DVD = Live preformance on DVD disc
  • BLUY-RAY = Live preformance on Blu-ray disc
  • VHS = Live preformance on Video tape