The Tavern's Tale

The Tavern's Tale


On a Godly ship Leif Erikson found
A beautiful Western land
With him came a Seidkonur with magick in her hand

They went South and built a hall
Debauchery offensive goal
With one touch the Seidr made it indestructible

The tavern's tale is.... it will never go down
The tavern's tale is.... it will never go down

The Puritans tried to burn it down
Unsuccessful they were
They tried and tried and tried again
Because they never learn

The British hit it with cannon fire
At Cornwallace's command
But thru the months the tavern stood
Darkening the land

The Confederates tried to blow it up
Send the blue coats on the run
In the end it didn't go down so
They used it for their fun

The tavern's tale is.... it will never go down
The tavern's tale is.... it will never go down

On a Godly ship Leif Erikson found
A beautiful Western land
With him came a Seidkonur with magick in her hand

The tavern's tale is.... it will never go down
The tavern's tale is.... it will never go down

They went South and built a hall
Debauchery offensive goal
And with one touch Seidr made it
Oh so indestructible
« Astralive The Healer (EP) Songs Unconscious Power (Iron Butterfly Cover) »


  • LTD = Limited Edition
  • DGP = Digipak
  • DLX = Deluxe Edition
  • COM = Compilation
  • EXP = Expanded Edition
  • LTD DGP = Limited Edition Digipak
  • DLX DGP = Deluxe Edition Digipak


  • BTL = Bootleg recording
  • DEMO = Demo recording
  • LIVE = Live recording
  • SPLIT = Split recording with 2 or more bands
  • JPN = Japanese edition of the album
  • PROMO = Promo recording
  • OST = Official Soundtrack


  • EP = Expanded Play
  • SINGLE = Usaly 7" or 10" Vinyl
  • TAPE = Cassete tape
  • DVD = Live preformance on DVD disc
  • BLUY-RAY = Live preformance on Blu-ray disc
  • VHS = Live preformance on Video tape